Problems loading driver for external antenna

Colin Law clanlaw at
Mon Dec 20 14:16:31 UTC 2010

On 20 December 2010 14:01, John Everard <johneverard at> wrote:

Could you not top post please, it makes it difficult to follow the
thread.  Insert your post at appropriate points in previous message.
Also it is preferred not to post in html format, straight text is
preferred.  Thanks

> If I right click the applet and select Connection Information it tells me
> that I am connected to the right SSID with a speed of 48 Mb/s.  Big
> breakthrough - I actually managed to load a page this morning!  But it is
> very, very slow and I have not managed to repeat this feat.
> I think, with everyone's help (many thanks!), that the basic connection
> problem has been solved, but I cannot now figure out why the connection is
> so very very slow - it keeps timing out and giving up on loading pages.  Any
> suggestions from anyone, please?  With an external antenna the connection
> should be fast - and on the little Windows machine which sits next to my
> main computer and on which I am typing this, they are.

On the windows PC are you using the same hardware (ie have you moved
the external wifi kit it from the Ubuntu to the Windows machine)?  Can
you remind us why you are using the external kit?

Are there any other wifi signals about?  If so perhaps they are not
sufficiently separated from yours in channel number.

Can you temporarily move the PC nearer the wifi base station (or vice versa)?

Does it work fine if you connect by wire?


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