Problems loading driver for external antenna

John Everard johneverard at
Mon Dec 20 14:01:14 UTC 2010

If I right click the applet and select Connection Information it tells me that I am connected to the right SSID with a speed of 48 Mb/s.  Big breakthrough - I actually managed to load a page this morning!  But it is very, very slow and I have not managed to repeat this feat.  
I think, with everyone's help (many thanks!), that the basic connection problem has been solved, but I cannot now figure out why the connection is so very very slow - it keeps timing out and giving up on loading pages.  Any suggestions from anyone, please?  With an external antenna the connection should be fast - and on the little Windows machine which sits next to my main computer and on which I am typing this, they are.  

> From: clanlaw at
> Date: Mon, 20 Dec 2010 11:59:51 +0000
> Subject: Re: Problems loading driver for external antenna
> To: ubuntu-users at
> On 19 December 2010 23:19, John Everard <johneverard at> wrote:
> > Nils
> > Thanks again.  I've entered the SSID but when I try to run Firefox it just
> > spins round and round, and then gives up and says it can't find the servers
> > for any of the five tabs I use.  I know they are all fine because I have a
> > machine running Chrome over Windows sitting next to my Ubuntu machine which
> > reads them all without problems.  Similarly when I go to Update Manager it
> > tells me that no updates are available.  As I have been off-line for over a
> > week I find that difficult to believe - I suspect that it too cannot respond
> > to the signal from the external antenna.  But when I click on the wireless
> > icon in the top bar it shows that it is connected to the right network and
> > has 80% strength.
> > So near and yet so far!  Can you or anyone else offer any further advice
> > please?
> If it says you are connected then that suggests that your basic
> connection problem has been solved, so it should be time to move on to
> basic network troubleshooting.  I am sure there is a Ubuntu guide
> somewhere but I cannot find it.  If you right click the Network
> Manager applet in the top panel and select Connection Information what
> does it say?
> Colin
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