Interesting recovery frustrations

MR ZenWiz mrzenwiz at
Fri Dec 17 05:54:04 UTC 2010

On Thu, Dec 16, 2010 at 9:20 PM, Tom H <tomh0665 at> wrote:
[offensive crap redacted]
> For fstab, Ubuntu refers to filesystems by their UUIDs because the
> device names on which these filesystems are created aren't always
> persistent.
> For grub, Ubuntu refers to filesystems by their UUIDs because the
> device names on which these filesystems are created aren't always
> persistent and to devices by their hardware IDs because the device
> names aren't always persistent.
Nothing is persistent as far as any of this goes - UUIDs change when a
drive is reformatted or the user changes it.  Labels change when a
drive is reformatted or the user changes it.  Device names change when
they change, although short of repartitioning or physically moving the
drive connectors, they tend to be slightly more persistent than either
the UUID or the label.

So what?  I like my method.  You like yours.  Doesn't mean anyone else
has to use either one.

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