crippled meerkat <OT>

Basil Chupin blchupin at
Thu Dec 9 06:16:27 UTC 2010

On 09/12/2010 16:57, Ric Moore wrote:
> On Thu, 2010-12-09 at 16:18 +1100, Basil Chupin wrote:
>> On 09/12/2010 13:34, Ric Moore wrote:
>>> On Thu, 2010-12-09 at 00:40 +0500, chiaowl wrote:
>>>> Keeping it brief:
>>>> no mic sound, won't send emails, unable to access computer janitor,
>>>> package manager, or ubuntu software center - plus misc. other problems
>>>> like not allowing email backups (which I think I need to do before I
>>>> clumsily try to resolve this with my sub-kindergarten level of
>>>> knowledge of linux).
>>> Any particular reason for starting your exploration of Linux with
>>> Meerkat?
>> And why not, I ask?
>> Nothing wrong with 10.10 - I am now running it on my computer, and only
>> a few minutes ago I finished installing it on my wife's computer.
>>>    You might be better served installing the LTS version (long
>>> Term Support) Lucid (ver 10.4).
>> This LTS nomenclature is just a furphy as far as I am concerned. It may
>> be of use to people who install LTS as a server in a work environment
>> but it doesn't mean a thing for a home user. Especially since the idea
>> of a "rolling upgrades" has just been floated.
>>>    I think you'd be much better served.
>> (Not unless you go to Grace Brothers :-) .)
>>> Jus' my 4 cents, Ric
>> And my 8 cents worth :-) .
> Gimmie 2 cents and I'll give you a dime! I do read this list fervently
> and it seems that those of us dinosaurs running 10.4 have a lot less
> problems reported here.

'Twas not moi who suggested the "dinosaur" metaphor.

>   Of course, those of us that install cleanly have
> practically zero problems, but that's another kettle of fish, aye mate?

"Arrr, you be right alright there matey! A clean install is the way to 
be going, arrrr."

> I'm so bored with my Zero Complaint Install that I'm reduced to watching
> Amos And Andy now on Youtube. Well, I watched a bit, then cranked up
> cron to youtube-dl -a script to grab them all.<grinning hugely>  Ric

Oh mygawd! Why don't you pick-up a good book(s) and start reading 
it(them)? Something like "Harry Potter And......" or "The Lord of The 
Rings Trilogy" or - wait for it! - "The Mars Trilogy"?

Or, if you are into watching DVDs, get hold of the UK BBC drama series 
called, "The House of Cards", with Ian Richardson (who died in 2007). 


Attorney:  Can you describe the individual?
Witness:   He was about medium height and had a beard.
Attorney:  And was it a male or a female?
Witness:   Unless the circus was in town I'm going with male.

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