crippled meerkat

MR ZenWiz mrzenwiz at
Thu Dec 9 04:25:44 UTC 2010

On Wed, Dec 8, 2010 at 6:34 PM, Ric Moore <wayward4now at> wrote:
> On Thu, 2010-12-09 at 00:40 +0500, chiaowl wrote:
>> Keeping it brief:
>> no mic sound, won't send emails, unable to access computer janitor,
>> package manager, or ubuntu software center - plus misc. other problems
>> like not allowing email backups (which I think I need to do before I
>> clumsily try to resolve this with my sub-kindergarten level of
>> knowledge of linux).
> Any particular reason for starting your exploration of Linux with
> Meerkat? You might be better served installing the LTS version (long
> Term Support) Lucid (ver 10.4). I think you'd be much better served.
> Jus' my 4 cents, Ric
It seems to work just fine for lots of people, and there's no reason
to suspect that Maverick was at fault here, at least not from what has
been presented so far.

But, that's ok, Ric, you just go right on hanging out in the past.
Some of us boldly go where no LTS 10.04.1'er wants to go....


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