odd DNS problem, maybe OT

Cybe R. Wizard cyber_wizard at mindspring.com
Tue Dec 7 13:06:39 UTC 2010

On Mon, 6 Dec 2010 16:43:51 -0800
rikona <rikona at sonic.net> wrote:

> I have an odd problem. I have lost the ability to connect to anything
> from sat.wrh.noaa.gov or star.nesdis.noaa.gov - these give sat and
> radar weather info. 

! Location Changed !
Requested File Not Found

Please verify the correct URL is entered.

The page you requested either no longer exists or may not be located
where it once was.

Please note the new location is http://radar.weather.gov

Ensure you update your bookmarks.

This page will automatically redirect in 10 seconds.

If this does not work for any reason use the link below:


Then it re-directs.

Cybe R. Wizard
When Windows are opened the bugs come in.

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