Office 2010

Johnny Rosenberg gurus.knugum at
Tue Aug 31 06:34:40 UTC 2010

2010/8/31 Steven Susbauer <steven at>:
> Chadley Wilson wrote:
>> Hey All,
>> Potentially dangerous question for the list!
>> So now I just cannot leave my Ubuntu 10.04 64 bit alone.
>> Yeah, the winbloze networking can be tricky and yeah, my new star craft won't work and yeah... I could go on.
>> But the desktop is awesome, I love it to bits...
>> So how can I run Office 2010 in my Ubuntu?
>> Wine or some better emulator?
>> I need .Net framework in order for it to install ;(
>> PS:
>> I know all the open source fanatics are going to jump in on this one, and even if I say my reasons are none of your business, you guys will still want to fight. So the reason why I want Office 2010, is because open office advanced formulas are not compatible with MS office, and visa versa...
>> Open Office lacks modern means of navigation and interface, and I hate getting a pop up window every time I delete a value in a cell. Basically for me, Open office still looks like Office 97. It totally blows. As new as the underlying code may be, the interface sucks.
>> So even though the MS OS sucks and lacks decent desktop effects, their office package is awesome.
> Crossover office is a paid program which is designed to allow for such
> things, it may be worth looking into if you can't use it in wine. It may
> or may not support Office 2010 which is still very new.
> You may also find it's not a bad plan to run Windows in a Virtual
> Machine, and of course there is the option of dual booting. A computer
> is a tool, and if the software available for Ubuntu does not work to
> your standards, there is no shame in using something that does.

Just a thought:
Seems like the OP really need MS Office and he also really like visual
effects and things like that. So why not buy a Mac? There is a MS
Office version for Mac, isn't there? And there are plenty of visual
effects. Unfortunately Compiz Fusion doesn't work on MacOS as far as I
know, but there are other cool stuff out there.

As I said, just a thought.

Best regards

Johnny Rosenberg

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