Office 2010

Chadley Wilson chadleyw at
Mon Aug 30 10:22:37 UTC 2010

> > PS:
> > I know all the open source fanatics are going to jump in on this one, and
> even if I say my reasons are none of your business, you guys will still want to
> fight. So the reason why I want Office 2010, is because open office advanced
> formulas are not compatible with MS office, and visa versa...
> > Open Office lacks modern means of navigation and interface, and I hate
> getting a pop up window every time I delete a value in a cell.
> It's becuase you use the delete key. Use the backspace key instead.
> It's also possible (and easy) to change the shortcuts as you wish. I, for
> instance, delete with the delete key without a popup, and if I want a popup I
> use the backspace key.
> >

@ Johnny,
Thank you for your concerns, I shall reword my thoughts in future... Just to close off the OO discussion.
As I tried to say, I am not interested in what the fanatics say, I just want to run my Ubuntu desktop with Microsoft Office 2010.
What I think about OO should be generally accepted as my point of view. It is not open for debut. So either you help me or you don't. It is your choice.
Since 2007 I have looked at Open Office on every release. Macros, VB code and many formula's ( which use more than one statement of code) are not compatible. This is a fact. The recoding of formula and macros to OO is astronomical, and impractical for such advanced spread sheets.
Unfortunately we live in a Microsoft business world, there are but a few companies being brave enough to try and run Linux platforms and open source. You might be aware that I am not your average end user.
My spread sheets are not basic. They are almost fully fledged applications on their own. They will never work in Open office, and even if I did do them over in open office, I can't send Open Office spread sheets to people running Microsoft. Therefore my basic platform is MS Office. No negotiation.
I love eye candy, it gives my  over-powered PC something to do. Wobbly burning dissolving windows are super cool for me. If I look at the basic layout of OO, to me it just the same basic layout as Office 97. Top Menu bar, and Icon bars. It's boring.
So you have my reasons, I generously provided them so that you will have an understanding of why I specifically do not like Open Office.

So if you have any tips for me please I am an very capable guy, let's have them so that the list is productive for others.

Once again Thank you

Chadley Wilson | Engineer
Research and Development | Pinnacle Africa

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