Installing Ubuntu from flash drive

NoOp glgxg at
Mon Aug 30 03:24:22 UTC 2010

On 08/20/2010 03:51 AM, Earl Melton wrote:
> For a few seconds, I get the familiar pink (purple?) screen with some 
> little icon in the lower center of it, then it just goes away. On the 
> first try, it just went to a black screen, but with a very faint 
> pink/purple flash every 2 or 3 seconds. Knowing the Live CD is very slow 
> to boot, I gave it an hour or more while tending to other things, then 
> gave up and forced a hard reset. 2nd time around, it just went to 
> blinking, colored horizontal lines through the raster, but never went 
> further. This almost looked like a misadjusted resolution setting under 
> Appearance Settings. I figured the CD drive was just going south since 
> Win-Vista Home Premium works fine on the PC. It's a Compaq/HP, probably 
> 3 or more years old. I can get further information if needed. AFAIK, the 
> graphics is probably a part of the mobo, but don't really know that to 
> be true. I'll see him later today and can try to get a model number if 
> that would help. I really try to stay out of the internal workings of a 
> PC and take it to my "computer guy" when there's a major problem. I've 
> installed 10.04 on 3 others from the CD w/no problems, though. Thanks 
> for the reply and offer of help!

Did you get this sorted out, or do you still need help?

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