A Few Nautilus Functionality Questions

NoOp glgxg at sbcglobal.net
Sat Aug 28 21:12:29 UTC 2010

On 08/28/2010 12:59 AM, Amichai Rotman wrote:
> Hi All,
> I've used the KDE desktop up until version 3.5.10 (Kubuntu Hardy) and could
> not get used to KDE 4.x, so I have moved to GNOME, but I am missing some of
> the useful functionality I used to have:
> In Konquerer file browser: I could set it up in a way so that the folders
> had a small icon reflecting it's content (i.e.: a musical note for music
> files - no matter what format).

It is theme dependent. For example, if you use the 10.04 default
Ambiance theme, those icons are already included & apparent when you use

I happen to prefer the Unity theme on this desktop (due to the LCD
monitor). However, to keep the icons the same as on my other desktops &
laptop (using Ambiance), I just use the icon set from the Ambiance theme
(Ubuntu-Mono-Dark (or Light). To modify:

You'll also see the difference in the icons that are added in Nautilus
when you right-click on a folder and select Properties|Emblems.

The nice thing about Gnome is that you can customize it to look like
just about anything you wish... including a Mac.

These might be of interest:

> In the KDE pannel (Kicker): I could add KNewsTicker which ran all my RSS
> feeds right a the top of the screen all the time - like a ticker at NYSE.

I'm not familiar with KDE, but:
$ apt-cache search Akregator
konqueror-plugin-akregator - Akregator plugin for konqueror
akregator - RSS feed aggregator for KDE
konq-plugins - plugins for Konqueror, the KDE file/web/doc browser

Kontact Summary Plugins: NewsTicker
Please note that as of KDE 3.4, the more efficient way of accessing RSS
feed information is the new Akregator application, which provides
notifications instead of requiring constant checking of the Summary View
to see if new articles have appeared.

> Any of you know of GNOME versions of such functionality?

No. But you might try Liferea or Evolution RSS or Thunderbird or Firefox
or SeaMonkey, or:



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