A Few Nautilus Functionality Questions

Tony Pursell ajp at princeswalk.fsnet.co.uk
Sat Aug 28 10:19:02 UTC 2010

On Sat, 2010-08-28 at 10:59 +0300, Amichai Rotman wrote:
> Hi All,
> I've used the KDE desktop up until version 3.5.10 (Kubuntu Hardy) and
> could not get used to KDE 4.x, so I have moved to GNOME, but I am
> missing some of the useful functionality I used to have:
> In Konquerer file browser: I could set it up in a way so that the
> folders had a small icon reflecting it's content (i.e.: a musical note
> for music files - no matter what format).

Right click on the folder, select Properties and the Emblems tab, to add
a range of icons.

> In the KDE pannel (Kicker): I could add KNewsTicker which ran all my
> RSS feeds right a the top of the screen all the time - like a ticker
> at NYSE.

I don't know about news feeds. Perhaps someone else will help you on
this. However, if you right click the panel and choose Add to Panel,
there is a list of items you can add and the facility to find others to
add.  Maybe you can add KnewsTicker.  I have added a stock quote


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