iPhone and Ubuntu

stan stanb at panix.com
Fri Aug 27 09:48:19 UTC 2010

On Thu, Aug 26, 2010 at 07:15:44PM -0400, Ed Jabbour wrote:
> On Thursday, August 26, 2010 02:00:15 pm stan wrote:
> > Just to let people know that this is working. I am able to load music on my
> > iPhone using rthymbox. I am able to download photos from it usig the
> > default Ubuntu tool for that, which I cannot remeber the name of at the
> > moment, and I am able to run iTunes, whcih is needed to backup, resore, and
> > do software updates on it using iTunes 9.02 installed in an XP image in
> > VirtualBox (the non OSE version).
> > 
> > So finally I do not have to go beg someone to use thier Windows machine
> > when I ned to deal with my iPhone.
> > 
> > It
> > s been along time getting here.
> I wish I knew how you got there.  I plug in my iphone  and all that happens is 
> that it shows up in dmesg; otherwise, nada.  I can sort of mount it with ifuse 
> , but can't really do anything with it.  It doesn't show up in Amarok.  All 
> I've seen with Google are statements about how it "just works" with Lucid.  I 
> don't have Windows, so because it doesn't work with Lucid, it just doesn't 
> work at all.

I have 2 differnt Lucid installs that it "just works on". One is X86, and
the other is AMD64.

Have you tried booted from the live CD?
A: Because it messes up the order in which people normally read text.
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