Wiping data from a hard drive. - DIDN'T WORK

Basil Chupin blchupin at iinet.net.au
Fri Aug 27 04:18:55 UTC 2010

On 26/08/2010 16:07, Basil Chupin wrote:
> On 26/08/2010 05:52, Ric Moore wrote:
>> On Wed, 2010-08-25 at 23:20 +1000, Basil Chupin wrote:
>>>    have HDs now in their 8th or so year of usage (Quantums, Maxtors) but
>>> these new drives now predominantly made in China are just ****.
>>> I would like to also thank everyone who responded to my post - Thanks guys!
>> I remember reading, back when, that you could put a harddrive into a
>> freezer overnight and that it would run, for a bit, the next day. Dunno
>> if that works. I think you should go for Brigitte Nelson. You'll
>> probably have more luck. :) Ric
> Someone else has also mentioned it - and it immediately brought to mind
> this phenomenon which a tech, who serviced HDs, told me about years ago.
> So, the HD is now sitting in the freezer compartment till tomorrow
> morning. Here's hoping.......

Well that didn't work :-) . This was the first lesson.

The second lesson is to wear gloves when handling the metal of the HD- 
the thing was so cold my fingers hurt for 15 minutes afterwards! :-D

(I'm going to drill out the bolts, use Ezy-out to get them out, take out 
the magnets, and hang the platters over the cars in the car port to stop 
the bleeding bird (Magpie Lark) from flying over them and pooping on 
them! So, the HD will still be of some use even after death :-) .)


Gumperson's Law: The probability of anything happening is in
inverse proportion to its desirability.

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