Grandfather clock 1.0.2-4

C de-Avillez hggdh2 at
Thu Aug 26 22:55:37 UTC 2010

On Thu, 26 Aug 2010 16:37:30 -0600
drew einhorn <drew.einhorn at> wrote:

> Doesn't work!
> Bug 480960
> says it's fixed in 1.0.2-6
> says it's been
> kicked out of debian
> So is it possible to find and try 1.0.2-6. or is it pointless.

It's in Maverick *only*:

cerdea at xango2:/build/buildd/lyx$ rmadison grandfatherclock
grandfatherclock |    1.0.2-3 | dapper/universe | source, all
grandfatherclock |    1.0.2-4 | hardy/universe | source, all
grandfatherclock |    1.0.2-4 | jaunty/universe | source, all
grandfatherclock |    1.0.2-4 | karmic/universe | source, all
grandfatherclock |    1.0.2-4 | lucid/universe | source, all
grandfatherclock |    1.0.2-6 | maverick/universe | source, all
cerdea at xango2:/build/buildd/lyx$ 

C de-Avillez
IRC: hggdh

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