Git connection Timeout probelm

Pete Vander Giessen petevg at
Thu Aug 26 17:35:29 UTC 2010

  On 08/25/2010 11:59 PM, Chadley Wilson wrote:
> I am busy try to setup an Android repo.
> I keep getting a timeout error while initializing the repo.
> My OS is Lucid LTS vanilla, my internet connection via unauthenticated 
> proxy is working perfectly as I have already used synaptic and apt to 
> install all the dev tools I need.

Git connects using ssh, so my guess is that you don't have ssh/git 
configured to tunnel through your proxy.  I've never needed to configure 
git to work through a proxy, but it looks like a little Googling will 
lead you to some good resources.  This page looks promising, for a start:

If you run into a dead end there, you might take a look at Google's repo 
script, and see if you can get it to connect via http, rather than ssh.


~ PeteVG
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