iTunes and Ubuntu

clintin at clintin at
Wed Aug 25 14:00:47 UTC 2010

> On Tue, 24 Aug 2010, Hal Burgiss wrote:

 > On Tue, Aug 24, 2010 at 5:50 AM, stan <stanb at> wrote:

 >> I have seceded in installing iTunes as discussed by this page:


 > That version of itunes may predate the iphone.

 You need to load a 9.x version but not the latest as Apple broke Itunes 

unning in a virtual back about 9.07.  If you search the archives on 

his list, you will find the version and a link to the download as I have 

reviously posted.

So, are you saying that you gave a version that works with an iPhone (OS

ersion 3.2 BTW) working?

I don't have an iPhone but I do have a iPodtouch which from all accounts is an iPhone without the phone, OS 3.x.

ere is an extract from an article I wrote on the subject:

nstall iTunes on your virtual WindowsXP. Do not use the latest version from Apple as it crashes WindowsXP

unning on VirtualBox. Use version 9.0.2 which you can download from



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