This used to be a great list

I Am Me theunknownandrew at
Wed Aug 25 06:51:26 UTC 2010

>   IMHO, it would probably be more productive to teach the people that ask
> these questions
>   how to google rather than to propagate the idiocy of asking when you
> should be looking.
>   whatever.

Well then in such cases I propose :

1. If a question's answer could be found by a simple search, then we reply with the search query 
2. Send him a link to how use a search engine effectively :
3. Also include the link to the Mailing Lists Etiquette :
4, Also include the Mailing Lists Etiquette in the Mailer signature that gets appended to every reply.

And I was wondering
Rather than arguing if this list is / was a great / good list
why not prove / begin to prove that is list is and will be an excellent one

Just my 2 cents people .. 

*    & RU Chelladurai    d*_*b

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