Vertical, title-based window switcher

NoOp glgxg at
Sun Aug 22 16:02:39 UTC 2010

On 08/21/2010 10:48 PM, Grant Heaslip wrote:
> I'm a recent transplant from OS X to Ubuntu, and while I've found the move 
> much easier than expected (Ubuntu has matured a *lot* since the last time 
> I gave it a go, which was maybe mid-2007), there's one thing that's been 
> bugging me:
> On OS X I relied pretty heavily on a window switcher called Witch 
> ( Basically, it behaves similarly to Alt-Tab 
> in Ubuntu and Windows, but gives a vertical list of window titles (the 
> screen-shot shows windows organised by application, but I have it set to 
> organise them by last used exclusively). The Compiz application switcher 
> only shows the title of the currently-selected window, and is based on 
> thumbnails of the windows, which I find mostly useless since I'm often 
> working with text-only content that isn't particularly identifiable. A 
> list of titles would be much better.

Previous Window (All Desktops)
would suffice? If not, you might want to explore the compiz settings,
features & plugins:

You might also like the Windows Previews:
You just slide your mouse over the window for a preview.

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