WARNING! xend/DomUs won't start on latest linux-image-2.6.24-28-xen

Colin Law clanlaw at googlemail.com
Sun Aug 22 07:45:43 UTC 2010

2010/8/22 Markus Schönhaber <ubuntu-users at list-post.mks-mail.de>:
> 22.08.2010 02:14, Johnneylee Rollins:
>> 2010/8/21 Markus Schönhaber <ubuntu-users at list-post.mks-mail.de>:
>>> after updating one of my servers running Xen on Hardy to the latest Xen
>>> kernel (linux-image-2.6.24-28-xen vers. 2.6.24-28.75), xend wouldn't
>>> start and, of course, no DomU came up:
>>> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/620994
>>> Going back to 2.6.24-28.73 helped.
>>> I curse the day I decided to use Ubuntu on a server.
>> Change distros?
> Definitely!

Well if you are going to change distro what are you asking for help
here for?  Or are you just having a rant?


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