Installing Ubuntu from flash drive

Basil Chupin blchupin at
Fri Aug 20 01:05:34 UTC 2010

On 20/08/2010 04:27, Earl Melton wrote:
> Hi All,
> I am a newbie to Linux and Ubuntu and have been reading this list for 
> a few weeks now. I wanted to install it on a friend's PC, but his CD 
> drive apparently has problems as I've tried twice and it never fully 
> boots to the live CD. I think I have read about creating an install 
> from a USB drive, but had no need for it until now. If this is 
> possible, can someone give me the step-by-step procedure for doing it?

If you are already running Ubuntu 10.04 you can create such a flash by 
using the System>Administration>Startup Disk Creator which will create 
it. You'll need a 1GB flash as a minimum (to get the CD on to it).

Or you can use other ways and you'll find the instructions here:    or

> Does it take a [special] flash drive, or will any do?

Any flash will do. Re the size- I would go with something at least 2GB 
big (the CD has to be transferred to the flash).

> I assume I would need to tell the BIOS to look for a bootable thumb drive?

Which may be the fly in the ointment. Have a look to see if his BIOS has 
the ability to boot from a flash drive.

> My apologies if I am totally wrong on this.

Nothing to apologise for :-) .

Now, as an addendum, if you want to actually RUN Ubuntu from a flash 
drive then you will need an 8GB flash (and the faster the better![1]) 
and go here to see how to do it:,13641/

[1] Not all flash drives are created equal: some read/write faster than 
others; one of the faster ones is the *Corsair* Flash Voyager.


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