Problem with ruby on ubuntu 10.04

Hakan Koseoglu hakan at
Thu Aug 19 18:14:15 UTC 2010


On 18/08/10 23:04, Stephen S. Disbrow wrote:
 >      The page I'm referring to is
Right. This is not an Ubuntu packaged software.

I am not getting the errors you're getting. OTOH, the error I am getting 
is mentioned in Bug#612053. This bug is relatively new (<2weeks since it 
was first reported). This bug itself appear to be a duplicate of 
#610975, which is only a couple of days older than the bug above. 
Neither are not assigned to anybody for fixing yet although the second 
one has been marked as a high importance.

I installed a brand new Ubuntu desktop 10.04.1 and did the following:

sudo apt-get build-essential libwxbase2.8-0 libwxgtk2.8-0 rake ruby 
rubygems wx2.8-headers

probably not all of those would be necessary to replicate your error but 
hey, and then ran

gem install wxruby

And when I ran your little test ruby script, I got the error mentioned 
in the bug above.

 > $ ruby1.8 tmp.rb
 > /var/lib/gems/1.8/gems/wxruby-2.0.1-x86-linux/lib/
 > cannot open shared object file: No such file or

First of all, I'm not sure running gems with sudo is good idea since it 
splatters binaries across your server not controlled by dpkg but I might 
be in the minority here.

As I understand, the problem above arise because at that time you 
haven't run the command gem install wxruby yet. You mentioned you 
managed to pass that one so I am still not sure where it went wrong for 
you but probably the same place.

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