Learning Regex (Was: Is it just me, or is there a reason for it?)

Steve Lamb grey at dmiyu.org
Sun Aug 15 03:09:15 UTC 2010

On 08/14/2010 09:51 AM, ms wrote:
> Anyway learning regexp can only help for a lot of other things, so I
> would advise you to do so (I don't know regexp because I rarely ever
> needed them, but it's top in my list of things to learn)

     Regex is one of the most useful things I have ever learned on a computer. 
  Being able to do in seconds what it can take hours to do manually with even 
the simplest of regex is worth the moderate effort.

          Steve C. Lamb         | But who can decide what they dream
        PGP Key: 1FC01004       |      and dream I do

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