Where Ubu fails. Was: Re: Karl - grub2 and ext2/ext3/ext4

Cybe R. Wizard cyber_wizard at mindspring.com
Thu Aug 12 22:05:15 UTC 2010

On Fri, 13 Aug 2010 08:11:30 +1200
chris <chevhq at gmail.com> wrote:

> > If you are using Debian stable then why should you care at all what
> > Ubuntu devs do?  I fail in understanding your motivation unless you
> > just wish to see your words in print on the screen complaining.
> > 
> > Cybe R. Wizard -Ubu 'just works' for me
> > -- 
> > When Windows are opened the bugs come in.
> > 	Winduhs
> >   
> Because I think that ubuntu has the potential to become a great
> desktop distro.
> However for my clients I use and recommend Debian stable as it hardly
> gives any issues.
> Cheers the kiwi

I still don't get it, I suppose.  Where does Ubuntu fail for you?  If
it is in the newest release maybe you'd be happier if, as with Debian,
you stayed with the tried and true, still supported next-to-last LTS.
The newest is often not (yet) the best/most stable.

Cybe R. Wizard
So, if anybody wants to have free hardware sent to them: don't call me,
but instead write your own unix operating system. It has worked every
time for me. 
	Linus Torvalds

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