Please try: Can you post to this blog? - Anonymous Posting, & Mozilla Firefox email list - My attempts don't work. ; jor Ubuntu

Johnneylee Rollins johnneylee.rollins at
Wed Aug 11 19:53:03 UTC 2010

On Wed, Aug 11, 2010 at 12:51 PM, giovanni_re <john_re at> wrote:
> On Wed, 11 Aug 2010 14:22:37 -0500, "Tom Browder" I
>> > If you'd like to try it anonymous & let me know how that works for you,
>> > I'd appreciate that also.  But, someone did mention that they posted
>> Aha, I tried anonymously and it did NOT work.
> Interesting.  Maybe anon posting is not fully working at that website?
> One other fact.  I have to set the Firefox  "about:config" "firefox"
> browser to an empty string (just delete the setting) for my firefox to
> work through my ISP: MetroPCS cell phone company.
> Seems unlikely, but maybe blogspot is trying to do something specific
> with the particular type of browser, & no browser name is confusing it.
> ==
> BTW, I also sent my original post on this topic to the mozilla-firefox
> list at the same time as to the ubuntu list, &  today I got a
> nondelivered in 6 hours message from my mail provider.  Looking at that
> list, traffic is way low for the past few days (but, there is traffic
> getting through).  So, maybe mozilla is having problems with their
> mailing server.  Perhaps if they get that fixed, & my post gets through
> to that list, then there might be more data from people on that list.
> Anyone else want to try making a post about this to the
> support-firefox at  list?
How about we not start a new thread each time someone gets a new thought?


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