Linux Desktop Responsiveness Patches - Encouragement for iimplementing ; jor ubuntu

James Hogarth james.hogarth at
Mon Aug 9 21:41:57 UTC 2010

On 9 August 2010 22:23, giovanni_re <john_re at> wrote:
> I got no response on the Ubuntu-devel-discuss list about this very
> important fix.
> Anyone here know any progress oriented info for this issue?
> See links below about how to  howto compile the ubuntu linux kernel.

Well given that the ubuntu-devel list is more for heads up on
development issues (Xserver breakage coming for example) and
discussions on policy occasionally it is not surprising you got little
response to an issue that is still under some discussion on the Linux
Kernel Mailing List and may or may not have the proposed patch enter
mainline 2.6.36...

If you really want to follow this up then search the bug list for the
Ubuntu kernel team and
if there is not already a bug filed for this issue then file one with
the appropriate links to the upstream patches etc.


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