Fwd: Re: Linux Desktop Responsiveness Patches - Encouragement for iimplementing ; jor ubuntu

giovanni_re john_re at fastmail.us
Mon Aug 9 21:23:10 UTC 2010

I got no response on the Ubuntu-devel-discuss list about this very
important fix.

Anyone here know any progress oriented info for this issue?

See links below about how to  howto compile the ubuntu linux kernel.

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----- Original message -----
To: "ubuntu-devel-discuss" <ubuntu-devel-discuss at lists.ubuntu.com>
Date: Sun, 08 Aug 2010 21:08:07 -0700

This flaw is a terrible one, & a big black eye for Ubuntu/Linux.

Getting this fix implemented in the current (K)Ubuntu 10.4 would really
be great progress.  :)

What are the plans for implementing this in the current kernel?

I encourage the Ub kernel devs to implement this ASAP.


On Fri, 6 Aug 2010 10:05:09 +0200, "Przemek Kulczycki"
<przemekkulczycki at gmail.com> said:
> Hi Devs.
> Have you seen the article about the recent Linux Desktop Responsiveness
> Patches?
> http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=news_item&px=ODQ3OQ
> I think they might be useful to Ubuntu, though I'm not sure if you
> would like to backport them to earlier kernels.
> Nevertheless, it should be an interesting read for you.
> Regards,

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"How to compile a kernel on Ubuntu 10.04
The Ubuntu wiki does provide the necessary documentation to allow users
to build their own Linux kernel but in a rather disorganised way.
They should restructure it and provide clear detailed steps for each
release and not the current mish-mash of old and new.
How about giving each release their own dedicated wiki page?
Original Ubuntu wiki: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile
First steps
Install the required tools and packages.


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