ubuntu-10,4 - Unable to instal

Johan Scheepers johansche at telkomsa.net
Mon Aug 9 09:46:23 UTC 2010

On 08/09/2010 10:49 AM, Basil Chupin wrote:
> On 09/08/2010 18:02, Johan Scheepers wrote:
>> Good day,
>> Using Fujitsu-Siemens Esprimo Mobile Laptop.
>> I downloaded Ubuntu 10.4 and burned the iso with opensuse 11.3 k3b and
>> with windows nero.
> So, why are you doing this double-burning with openSUSE and then also 
> with Windows "Nero"?
> What's the reason for doing so?
>> Checked the md5sum as below
>> d044a2a0c8103fc3e5b7e18b0f7de1c8  *ubuntu-10.04-desktop-i386.iso  as on
>> repositry
>> d044a2a0c8103fc3e5b7e18b0f7de1c8  ubuntu-10.04-desktop-i386.iso  as from
>> burned cd.
> When you run the CD you will get the option to check the status of the 
> CD which will tell you if the CD is OK to use.
> Have yo done this? and why do the manual check in the first instance? 
> Was something going wrong for you do this manaul check?
>> Popped in the cd and first screen appears with two icons at the bottom
>> centre of the screen.
>> Few seconds later the screen just show diagonal coloured lines running
>> up the screen.
>> Tried the other cd. Same.
>> Ubuntu 9.10 installed flawlessly on same laptop.
> With what did you burn Ubuntu 9.10, and the other distros? With OpenSUSE 
> 11.3?
> I have a very specific reason for asking this because I am trying to 
> help 2 people with a problem in running a particular application but one 
> is running Ubuntu Lucid and the other running openSUSE 11.3 - and it is 
> the one with openSUSE 11.3 who is having the problem with runnint the 
> application.
> It would also be very helpful if you could let me/us know if you are 
> using a 32- or a 64-bit version of the OS.
>> And so does opensuse 11.3,   Pclinux,    Mandriva.
>> Kindly some pointers please.
>> Thanks
>> Regards
>> Johan
> BC
Hi BC,

**Double burning**  .. :  Thought that K3B made a mistake when problem
happened then used nero on windows.

**Check cd**..: In the beginning  * no *. After my mail I tried to press
enter when icons popped-up. It did take me up to the menu.
When I pressed the check option it also went into the scrolling lines.
All options does the same except  *check memory*.

Pclinux I downloaded and burned with same writer.
The others got from a distro supplier.

All operating systems on this laptop is 32-bit.

Trust this may be of assistance.


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