Preinstall user running both Karmic and Lucid - Lenovo Ideapad S12 from Linux Emporium

Pastor JW pastor_jw at
Fri Apr 30 16:56:53 UTC 2010

On Thursday 29 April 2010 11:01:03 pm Alex Cockell wrote:
> Hi folks,
> I am a basic user of a preinstalled Lenovo Ideapad S12 with partitions
> for both 9.10 (currently running - although waiting a week before
> accepting the latest kernel updates that appeared in Update Manager - in
> case something breaks) and 10.04 - I believe Linux Emporium told me it
> was a beta at the time.  Obviously, as a basic preinstall user, I am
> concerned when I read about all the incidents being logged and talked
> about on this and other lists re the latest version of the Ubuntu
> operating environment.

The incidents you need pay attention to are those on the same hardware as you 
have.  A few more days to see if any of your hardware shows up as having 
problems is a prudent idea.  At least in my mind as that is exactly what I am 
doing although I have not been running a Lucid beta.  There has been a little 
traffic about Intel video chipset problems but I haven't seen it nailed down 
yet.  Seems as many did not have trouble as did so it may be a different 
factor.  Time will tell!

> My question is - when would it be safe for me to boot my Lucid instance
> and accept all the system updates... and not risk having to send the
> machine back to Birmingham to be fixed.. and be without a PC for a
> while?

I'd believe the release version to be more stable than the beta, but haven't 
you been updating your Lucid along the way?  You have both 9.10 and 10.04 
right?  I'd keep my 9.10 for a bit anyway so you would have a fallback 
system, but I think I'd bring my beta 10.04 up to the full release.  Your 
machine is or should be set up as Linux friendly as far as installed 

> What advice can be offered to us who are end-users?  In the Windows
> world, I would probably wait until after Service Pack 1 had come out.
> Should I wait until after Ubuntu 10.04 "Service Pack 1" is released
> before effecting the move?
Windoze users have been waiting for a "fix" for windoze from Micosoft since 
1995, hasn't happened yet,  ...but perhaps in another 15 years?

73 de N7PSV aka Pastor JW <n><   PDGA# 35276  _Registered Kubuntu User: #27403

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