Utuntu 9.10 x Ubuntu 10.04

Paulo Silva(OpenSoftware) psilva at opensoftware-br.com
Thu Apr 29 13:27:57 UTC 2010

Em 29-04-2010 02:11, Lucio M Nicolosi escreveu:
> On Wed, Apr 28, 2010 at 4:18 PM, Paulo Silva(OpenSoftware)
> <psilva at opensoftware-br.com>  wrote:
>> Thank you,
>> So the only advantages 10.04 is LTS, the rest of the sistem has no
>> differences.
>> PSilva
> But of course, as in any new release, you may expect a lot of bugs. As
> usual, 10.04 will probably be stable in a couple of months.
> Irresponsible people (like me and the bunch just above) running less
> than critical applications on less than production machines are
> already running Lucid just for fun (but we are true masochists).
> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/lucid/+bugs

That is the point, before install 9.10 I tried 10.04 with a live cd, but 
I had problems with it, so I decided for 9.10, because this is my work 
machine for development.

You sad an important thing, it will be stable in couple of months, so I 
will wait this time, I can not see advantages to use it now.

Thank you all for the considerations.

Best regards


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