grub sees 2 out of 3 systems...lucky me

Karl Larsen klarsen1 at
Wed Apr 28 11:50:31 UTC 2010

On 04/27/2010 05:39 PM, Robert Holtzman wrote:
> On Tue, 27 Apr 2010, Karl Larsen wrote:
>> On 04/26/2010 06:43 PM, Robert Holtzman wrote:
>>> On Fri, 23 Apr 2010, Lucio M Nicolosi wrote:
>>>             .............snip...............
>>>> I guess the first thing to do is check whether the HD definitions are
>>>> correct (since the uuids do not easily change)
>>>> Boot your system with GParted live CD and check the right parameters
>>>> (hdx,x) for each partition, Lenny, Jaunty, Hardy and Karmic. You already
>>>> know for sure (from your menu.lst) the correct id of your working
>>>> partition. Perhaps it would be a nice time to label each partition with
>>>> proper nickname.
>>>> Then, enter the system that is still accessible and run:
>>>>      ls -l /dev/disk/by-uuid/
>>> I don't think it has to be done from a live CD. I did it successfully from
>>> a mounted 8.04 system. I learned this command some time ago but forgot
>>> it in the interim.
>>>> to get every UUID of your partitions. Since this command also gives you
>>>> the number of the partition (sda1, sda3, etc) the first step is not
>>>> really needed but you have to remember that in Grub1 (hd0,0) is in fact
>>>> sda1, like in the example above where (hd0,8) was sda9. Grub2 changed
>>>> this.
>>>> Then you'll have to mount every single partition that contains a Linux
>>>> version to get every kernel version you may find at
>>>> media/[partition]/boot. Or you can check each /boot/grub/menu.lst and
>>>> extract the commands lines for each kernel (like I roughly did above)
>>>> With these informations you are now prepared to edit your menu.list in
>>>> your working system, so that it addresses each kernel found in you
>>>> computer with the proper HD Identification and UUID.
>>>> Remember that in a computer with several system partitions the menu.lst
>>>> has to be manually updated every time a (secondary) system has a kernel
>>>> upgrade.
>>>> I believe that by properly editing your menu.lst there's no way your
>>>> systems can keep ls -l /dev/disk/by-uuid/"hiding themselves".
>>>> But I'm not sure.
>>> Me either. Running ls -l /dev/disk/by-uuid/ indeed gave me all the
>>> partition UUIDs and since I knew what partitions 9.04 resides on and what
>>> those partitions are, I could tell that the stanza I entered in the 8.04
>>> menu.lst belonged to the 9.04 / partition. Just for the Hell of it I
>>> changed the UUID to that of the /boot partition (on my systems I put
>>> /boot on it's own partition). Same problem. "File not found".
>>> Also the stanzas were copied from my backup made when 9.04 would
>>> successfully boot so I'm confident they are correct.
>>> Did I miss anything?
>>> Anyone else? Please.
>>          I assume the latest version you loaded is 9.10. Is this
>> correct?  If correct I think your active grub should be from this 9.10
>> version.
> I pulled 9.10 off and reinstalled 9.04. Because It didn't find 8.04,
> instead of screwing around with the menu.lst on 9.04, I reinstalled 8.04
> to it's old partitions and kept 9.04. Now 8.04s grub doesn't see 9.04.
> What fun!
>>   Did you select Grub 1 or Grub2? If you don't know look at the
>> /boot/grub/ directory of 9.10 and see if it has a few files and
>> menu.lst, or, a whole lot of files one of which is grub.cfg.
> I'm familiar with that.
     Well your changing things so fast that nothing can happen right. I 
am not sure an 8.04 grub can be happy with 9.10 if you use the ext4 file 
system. If your going to change to just 2 versions then there is no problem.

73 Karl


	Karl F. Larsen, AKA K5DI
	Linux User
         Key ID = 3951B48D

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