samba client: default workgroup?

Tom H tomh0665 at
Wed Apr 28 11:10:52 UTC 2010

2010/4/28 Markus Schönhaber <ubuntu-users at>:
> 27.04.2010 23:52, Alvin Thompson:
>> Does anyone know how to change the default workgroup for the samba
>> *client*?  It's obvious for a samba server: modify the "workgroup" line
>> in "/etc/samba/smb.conf".  I can't find the equivalent for the client.
> If by "client" you mean Gnome/Nautilus, try changing the
> /system/smb/workgroup
> gconf key accordingly. Hth.

Good one. Should have thought of checking the gui but never use it. Sorry...

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