Strange Grub Error Message on dual boot Dell laptop

J dreadpiratejeff at
Sat Apr 24 02:03:57 UTC 2010

On Fri, Apr 23, 2010 at 21:32, NoOp
> On 04/23/2010 06:27 PM, J wrote:
>> On Fri, Apr 23, 2010 at 19:32, NoOp <j can'tfigureouthowtodisabletheiremailclientsothatitdoesn'tincludetheemailaddresshere> wrote:
>> ...
>>> I'd recommend that you either reinstall your grub2, or at least "Refresh
>>> the GRUB 2 menu with sudo update-grub".
>> Do you have any sort of backup software or system restore stuff
>> running automatically in Vista?  Even stuff that came pre-installed
>> like Dell's local backup software, or what have you?
> Well no... I don't. Or were you meaning to reply to Tab?

Actually, I replied to ubuntu-users at but happened to
tag my reply to your post.  Sorry, accidentally deleted the first
couple lines.  How about providing some useful info instead of just
being a tool and making snide comments about mail client software?
Especially since reinstalling grub is of no use if the grub data is
just going to be overwritten every time Tab boots into Windows...

Tab said:
> Vista had a security upgrade and after it finished I got the following error message when restarting the machine.

As I have JUST gone through with this same thing happening after a
"Security Update" I have a pretty good feeling that just reinstalling
grub is NOT going to help here.  How do I know this?  Because I
reinstalled grub several times before I was able to figure out what
was going on in Windows that was corrupting or overwriting grub data.
He can re-install grub until the cows come home, but until he fixes
whatever it is in his Vista install that's overwriting the grub data
at boot time, he's going to KEEP reinstalling grub after every time he
boots into windows.

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