DANGER!!! Problems with 10.04 installer (RAID devices *will* get corrupted)

Alvin Thompson alvin at thompsonlogic.com
Thu Apr 22 04:03:02 UTC 2010

On 04/21/2010 11:28 PM, Christopher Chan wrote:
> Alvin is not complaining about #191119. He did not bother to check it
> properly and assumed that Xander referenced one that was related. They
> do not appear to be related given the differences.

I AM complaining about bug 191119, and they ARE the same bug.  As I 
mentioned in the second bug report, just because his BIOS first reported 
the problem, it doesn't follow that the BIOS caused the problem, or was 
even a factor in it.  The problem happened exactly as I described it in 
the email.  When he rebooted, his BIOS noticed the problem when it tried 
to reassemble the array, and reported it.

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