help use gedit to edit server files

Luis A. Paulo luis.barbas at
Wed Apr 21 17:23:01 UTC 2010

On Wed, 21 Apr 2010 17:48:30 +0100, Colin Law wrote:

> 2010/4/21 if-ifone <hellocyf at>:
>> In windows ,I use winscp edit ubuntu server file.with command sudo
>> /../sftp-server to connect,and can edit server file. I want change my
>> work station to ubuntu.use place->connect to server,set as ssh login.It
>> can explore files.seems as local files.but cannt edit root files,lose
>> powfull tools and this prevent
>>  me switch php code to linux .
>> I see some artitle advice install  X in server,this is not good ways,I
>> will not install x on server.
>> May be "connect to server" can add sudo command like we can
>> use gedit to edit Server files.
> In a terminal you can use
> ssh server_ip_or_name
> which will log you into the server, then use gksu gedit file_to_edit
> No doubt there are other ways also.
> Colin

Sorry, Colin
That will not work. I think because there's no gedit on the 
server_ip_or_name side (no X). 

I also have a mchine/server with no X. 
I log with ssh and use nano to edit most files
To use graphical editors you have (?) to use them on your "work station", 
synchronizing the files back to the server

Synchronizing here being a loose term. There are several ways you can do 
that, already discussed on this mailing list:
nfs, sshfs, ftp, rsync, cvs, ...

And the easiest of them all, probably
Use nautilus, Places -> Connect to Server..., select SSH, enter ip and 
user, click connect.
And you will be graphical browsing your server and editing files with 
whatever tools you have on your workstation

Hope it helps

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