Getting rid of 'balloons'

jerry jerryturba at
Tue Apr 20 14:01:15 UTC 2010

Basil Chupin wrote:
> I am getting most annoyed by having balloons come up everytime I put the 
> cursor over an icon. I KNOW what the icon is about when I put the cursor 
> on it and I don't want the darn balloon not only popping up but also 
> obscuring the text or whatever under it. I mean a balloon even comes up 
> "telling" me to login as <name> - I know who I am!
> Is there any way to switch off these 'balloons'?
> (Using Ubuntu Lucid Beta 2.)
> BC
Have you tried to right click on the panel and select Configure Panel > 
Appearance > deselect Enable icon mouseover effects.  Apply
I am using Kubuntu 8.04 and it stops the bubble when I place the cursor 
over an icon.

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