Terminal window

Xander Pirdy xander.pirdy at gmail.com
Sat Apr 17 11:04:00 UTC 2010

On Sat, Apr 17, 2010 at 6:36 AM, Luis Paulo <luis.barbas at gmail.com> wrote:
> Right, it does not. Didn't get it.
> So you are now trying to change the "virtual terminal"?
> I will not ask why. :)
> Never thought of it. I have machines without X, but I manage them through
> ssh in a gnome-terminal (/dev/pts/N, a pseudo-terminal?)
> I think virtual terminal (VT) is a possible name for /dev/ttyN.
> Don't really know, its too technical.
> I think graphics on /dev/ttyN also don't have anything to do with grub.
> grub2 can enhance a selection screen, as you could with any simple
> programing language with a graphical extension. It does not provide a
> "graphical" terminal.
> But not sure at all.
> from http://tldp.org/HOWTO/Text-Terminal-HOWTO.html
> "For the case of text terminals there is no high-speed graphic display (or
> high resolution graphics) although they can often use graphic character sets
> to draw boxes, etc. This lack limits the software that may be used on it."
> On Sat, Apr 17, 2010 at 9:30 AM, Basil Chupin <blchupin at iinet.net.au> wrote:
>> On 17/04/10 15:46, Luis Paulo wrote:
>> > Basil: About fonts, I did go Edit then Profile Preferences, General,
>> > use system font:no, choose, and it works.
>> >
>> > About the topic, full screen, and so on, I have nothing to add, grub
>> > has nothing to do with the original terminal on the post.
>> >
>> > I use gnome-terminal --geometry=120x45+0+0 in a launcher on the panel,
>> > and its enough for me.
>> >
>> > Regards
>> > Luis
>> Thanks for you response but, sorry Luis, how will this fix my problem
>> with the size of the font in the console (the one you get, for example,
>> when you press CTRL-ALT-F3)?

Hey Basil,
I am not sure if this will help with what you want but you might want
to look into http://code.google.com/p/fbterm/. It was something that I
found last year when I had similar ambitions for making the VT look
more presentable, but I don't think that it could work with my
hardware (I have never gotten that penguin to work at boot either),
though it may help you. I think that if you are clever enough with
this as well you can even watch videos and look at pictures from the

I also though would suggest re-posting (under a new topic) since this
has gone on for a while, and your original thread was solved (I

Let me know if fbterm works for you because I really am interested in
using it in the future, and there seems to be little documentation.
>> (What you state is for the terminal with which I now have no problems as
>> I have been told how to make the terminal always open maximised.
>> Confused by the terminology? So am I! :-) )
>> BC
>> --
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