Terminal window

Luis Paulo luis.barbas at gmail.com
Sat Apr 17 10:36:50 UTC 2010

Right, it does not. Didn't get it.

So you are now trying to change the "virtual terminal"?
I will not ask why. :)

Never thought of it. I have machines without X, but I manage them through
ssh in a gnome-terminal (/dev/pts/N, a pseudo-terminal?)
I think virtual terminal (VT) is a possible name for /dev/ttyN.

Don't really know, its too technical.

I think graphics on /dev/ttyN also don't have anything to do with grub.
grub2 can enhance a selection screen, as you could with any simple
programing language with a graphical extension. It does not provide a
"graphical" terminal.

But not sure at all.

from http://tldp.org/HOWTO/Text-Terminal-HOWTO.html
"For the case of text terminals there is no high-speed graphic display (or
high resolution graphics) although they can often use graphic character sets
to draw boxes, etc. This lack limits the software that may be used on it."

On Sat, Apr 17, 2010 at 9:30 AM, Basil Chupin <blchupin at iinet.net.au> wrote:

> On 17/04/10 15:46, Luis Paulo wrote:
> > Basil: About fonts, I did go Edit then Profile Preferences, General,
> > use system font:no, choose, and it works.
> >
> > About the topic, full screen, and so on, I have nothing to add, grub
> > has nothing to do with the original terminal on the post.
> >
> > I use gnome-terminal --geometry=120x45+0+0 in a launcher on the panel,
> > and its enough for me.
> >
> > Regards
> > Luis
> Thanks for you response but, sorry Luis, how will this fix my problem
> with the size of the font in the console (the one you get, for example,
> when you press CTRL-ALT-F3)?
> (What you state is for the terminal with which I now have no problems as
> I have been told how to make the terminal always open maximised.
> Confused by the terminology? So am I! :-) )
> BC
> --
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