Which dot-matrix printer will work on my Ubuntu 9.10 machine - Old Hardware Warning

Ioannis Vranos cppdeveloper at ontelecoms.gr
Thu Apr 15 13:39:55 UTC 2010

On Thu, 2010-04-15 at 10:55 +0200, Ian Coetzee wrote:
> Hi guys, this might seem like a strange question, but here it goes 
> (warning this message is not for the feint of heart).
> I have an option to aquire one of the folowing dot-matrix printer, 
> however I have been unable to find out whether any of them works on 
> ubuntu (my Epson LQ-400 did not work :( )
>     * Oki Microline 590 Elite
>     * Oki Microline 5590
>     * Oki Microline 390FB
> I have done some googling and tried looking at openprinting.
> In google I got to the OKI website and could not see whether they might 
> work on linux.
> On openprinting not one of them is mentioned.
> Now my question is, does any of you have experience with any of the 
> printers I mentioned above?

Are these modern dot matrix printers or old ones?

Circa 1990 I had a Hyundai dot matrix printer with 9 pins (along with a
Hyundai* Super 16TE PC), which I used with the PC. Under a cover, it had
some jumpers for configuration, with a combination of them making the
printer compatibe with a specific IBM model, and with another
combination making it compatible with a model of another well known

So, where there wasn't a driver for the specific model, I used the
drivers of the IBM model or the other company's model.

So if there isn't a driver for your specific models, check their manuals
or the Internet for compatibility with other well known models.

* Hyundai was originally a computer maker.

Ioannis Vranos

C95 / C++03 Software Developer


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