Password Recovery from stolen hard drive

Ray Parrish crp at
Wed Apr 14 00:31:18 UTC 2010

p.echols at wrote:
> ----- "Ray Parrish" <crp at> wrote:
>> p.echols at wrote:
>>> ----- "Maxime Alarie" <malarie at> wrote:
>> Just write a script which send you an email via sendmail or some other
>> mail serving program on  your computer. When you receive that email,
>> it 
>> will contain the actual ip address the email was sent from in the
>> email 
>> headers.
>> I'm glad that other guy mentioned this, I think I'll write a script to
>> do that on my machine to protect it from theft. It's  great idea!
> Where would you have that script run?  You want it to send when booted, it can't be a userspace script (Since they can't login) and if no wired network, you would need to have a wireless that connects automagically to any wireless.  If I recall correctly, network manager is userspace, not sure about wicd.
> Since I'll be looking at a new laptop soon, I'd be interested in knowing what you come up with.
> --PE
Well, the idea assumes a couple of things, the first of which is that 
the thief has to be smart enough to change your password, and then must 
boot the computer into Ubuntu, and then must then connect the computer 
to the internet.

. Once that was done, a script added to the boot up scripts could use 
sendmail to send an email using your email account, which would then 
give you the ip address it was connected to.

I'm not sure if I even have sendmail on here yet, so it may be while 
before I get around to writing this script, as I have other irons in the 
fire burning pretty hot right now.

Later, Ray Parrish

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