Thunderbird and launching Firefox browser

NoOp glgxg at
Thu Apr 8 01:11:22 UTC 2010

On 04/07/2010 06:02 PM, NoOp wrote:
> I only use TB for testing; on the newly installed TB3 in lucid that I
> installed to test the calendar (lightning) issue, I find that clicking
> on a url in an email msg results in a 'Launch Application' popup asking
> me to 'Choose an Application'. I can of course wander around and _find_
> firefox, seamonkey, opera, et al to launch the url, but I shouldn't have
> to. TB should use the preferences that I've already set in
> System|Preferences|Preferred Applications. This sounds like a TB bug to me.
> So, looking on launchpad:
> <>
> I find:
> [[ubuntu lucid] thunderbird does not know how to open a weblink]
> Feel free to join along...

Sorry, I just noticed that 547103 is marked as a duplicate of:
[Thunderbird 3 hyperlinks broken]

It appears that installing 'thunderbird-gnome-support' resolves the
issue - does for me & now TB3 opens seamonkey when the url is clicked.

Odd that Ubuntu didn't include this as a depends. Reminds me of where you have to go back out an actually install the
'' package just to get java widgets & OOo Base installed &
running. Sigh... I'll stick to standard mozilla installs thanks very much.

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