aircrack not working even with wpa key in dictionary

Luca Ferrari fluca1978 at
Wed Apr 7 15:28:30 UTC 2010

Hi all,
to test my wireless network I played with airodump and aircrack following the 
tutorial here:

Now I've captured packets untill airodump presented me the WPA-PSK handshake 
title in the top right corner of the screen. Then I stopped the program 
airodump, and tried to guess the passprhase using the dictionary of john the 

aircrack-ng -w /usr/share/john/password.lst *.cap

and the program quitted after testing (only) 472 keys without founding the 
right one. So I added the right passphrase to the dictionary, as last entry, 
and ran it again, but the system is still unable to guess the passphrase.  Am 
I doing something wrong?


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