Simple Backup question.

J dreadpiratejeff at
Tue Apr 6 22:19:53 UTC 2010

On Tue, Apr 6, 2010 at 17:03, Arthur Johnson <arthur.johnson at> wrote:
> I haven't used Amanda yet, but plan on it in the future.  Check out
> this tutorial:
> R1Soft has some impressive backup utilities.  We've used them for years:

I've used amanda in production, and it works pretty well, though there
is a bit of a learning curve when you try to get your mind around the
fact that it was built to write to tapes, and to get it to work on a
hard disk, or remote LUN you have to trick it into thinking it's still
writing to tape.

It's not difficult, but can be confusing if you've never done it before.

In a larger context, the ISP I used to work for invested in a 12 bay
tape vault and Veritas and used that to back up the entire data center
(it was a small ISP/Web Host)...  Veritas stuff works really well too.

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