
Fred A. Miller fmiller at lightlink.com
Mon Apr 5 23:18:50 UTC 2010

On 04/05/2010 08:01 AM, Karl Larsen wrote:
> On 04/04/2010 08:41 PM, Fred A. Miller wrote:
>> As a followup on nVidia problems, I finally was able to get to a
>> terminal without X being loaded and ran the nVidia installer. It won't
>> compile the module because of a compiler difference. I'm using Ubuntu
>> 10.04 beta 1 and the video is a GeForce 6150 LE.
>> Any help would be appreciated.
>> Fred
>     Not help, but I too discovered early that Ubuntu 10.04 has both C 
> and C++ different than any other of the earlier Ubuntu versions. I had 
> to change all of my source codes to the other type. Not hard but a 
> pain. Your problem may not have a solution! Now you know the problem 
> at least.

Thanks, Karl. This makes sense from the error I rec'd when I tried to 
compile it. I guess I'll have to wait till they fix it. 'Wonder if 
they've fixed the ATI problems so many were having. 10.04 really needs 
to be "perfect" before it releases. Until recently, I only used 
SuSE....for YEARS, and remember more than 1 release that NEVER should 
have gone "gold" when it did!!


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