[ubuntu users] How to get more work spaces--Question 1

Ted Hilts thilts at mcsnet.ca
Wed Sep 30 02:30:03 UTC 2009

I want to increase the workspaces on Ubuntu vs 8.04 (from 7 to 10 work 
spaces -- 7 has been set as the limit) as well as Ubuntu vs 9.04 (from 2 
to 5).  Apparently the manner of doing this is different on 8.04 than on 
9.04 unless one uses the command line which I tried unsuccessfully for 
8.04.  A few weeks ago I stumbled on what was supposed to be the command 
line but it did not work and thereafter Ubuntu crashed and I lost the 
command line and by the time I got back to this problem I had fogotten 
where to dig up the command line. I would prefer the command line 
approach as it gets away from GUI differences and Icon applications.  
For example 8.04 does not have the same approach as 9.04 which uses an 
Icon for certain management concerns whereas 8.04 does the same thing 
using pop up options.

Can I get some help on this?

Thanks, Ted Hilts

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