Using a kernel module from old Linux kernel in a new Linux kernel

Karl F. Larsen klarsen1 at
Tue Sep 29 22:13:44 UTC 2009

Rune Svendsen wrote:
> Hello all!
> I'm trying to debug a sound problem on my computer. It seems that since
> the introduction of Jaunty and now with Karmic, the sound levels are
> excessively loud and somewhat distorted when using my kind-of-expensive
> sound card (ICE1724 chip) that I've always been using. This is resolved
> when plugging my amplifier into the on-board sound output (HDA Intel). I
> would, however, prefer to use the ICE1724 chip if I can.
> If I boot into Intrepid with a Live CD the sound from my ICE1724 plays
> nice, although with a somewhat _low_ volume (I have to turn it up a
> lot). Booting into Karmic, the sound gets distorted at under half the
> volume of using Intrepid.
> What I'd like to do, to determine if this is an issue with the driver
> for the ICE1724 chip, is use the driver module from Intrepid in Karmic.
> I've already copied this module from a running Intrepid Live CD, but
> when trying to replace this module with the one from Karmic (just
> replacing the file
> (/lib/modules/2.6.31-11-generic/kernel/sound/pci/ice1712/snd-ice1724.ko
>  with the one from Intrepid), I receive the following error:
>         snd_ice1724: no symbol version for module_layout
> So therefore I ask, is there a way to load an old kernel module into a
> new kernel?
> Thanks :)
> -Rune Svendsen
	Right click the speakers in the upper right corner of your 
display and an Alsa mixer will appear. Adjust the sound level 
to your satisfaction.

73 Karl


	Karl F. Larsen, AKA K5DI
	Linux User
         Key ID = 3951B48D

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