Flash player doesn't show up in plugins...

R Kimber richardkimber at btinternet.com
Tue Sep 29 20:59:26 UTC 2009

On Tue, 29 Sep 2009 10:40:54 -0500
Larry Shields wrote:

> *I have Firefox 3.5.3, now when I am at a website that requires flash it 
> is telling me to install it...Well I have adobe-flashplugin 
> installed, but it does not show up using about:plugins...Why...???
> Has anyone else had this problem...

Yes.  I tried everything I could think of, and things others suggested, to
no avail. I'm using the 64bit alpha plugin BTW.

I find it works OK in Opera, so I guess there's a bug in Firefox.

- Richard.
Richard Kimber
Political Science Resources

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