XP and Ubuntu 8.04 dual boot

pankaj borah pankajborah2k3 at yahoo.co.in
Tue Sep 29 15:26:43 UTC 2009

Dear Ubuntu users,
I had Ubuntu 6.06 LTS installed in my Dell inspiron 1525 Laptop along with windows XP as dual boot. Today I have upgraded my Ubuntu to Ubuntu 8.04 LTS. Since then whenever I start my laptop, i never see the XP boot option and it shows 4 Ubumtu boot otion. I wonder if my XP is still there ? Is there any way to recover it to XP as first boot option?

It is very uergent. 

Thanks and regards,

Pankaj Barah
Department of Biology,
NTNU Realfagbygget, N-7491
Trondheim, Norway 

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