WebCam Cannon powershot A520

Knapp magick.crow at
Tue Sep 29 07:28:50 UTC 2009

On Tue, Sep 29, 2009 at 3:27 AM, NoOp <glgxg at> wrote:
> On 09/28/2009 11:42 AM, Knapp wrote:
> ...
>> Thanks for that. I was hoping for webcam but that hope is looking slim.
> I doubt that it could be used as a webcam in Windows either unless you
> rewrote the Canon (Windows) 'Remote Capture Task' to port the output to
> an IP address. However, just because it isn't, doesn't mean that it
> can't (Win or linux). :-)
>  What it does show is that there is indeed a method to obtain a
> viewfinder feed from the camera (A75 in my case).
> I reckon that someone just has to: 1) figure out how the
> ZoomBrowser/'Remote Capture Task' does it (BTW: the new/improved Canon
> ZoomBrowser version 6.11 update is a serious bloat compared to the 4.x
> version. With 4.x the commands/controls are simple & work just fine,
> with 6.x they've addeed so much bloat that it's almost impossible to
> find the 'feature'), and 2) port that feed into an existing webcam app
> from the repositories.
> In the interim... unless you've got lots of time on your hands, I'd
> recommend buying a retail webcam to accomplish your task. Others here
> can advise you on which works best... I prefer to keep my ugly face off
> of others desktops so have no experience with them :-)

Having 2 jobs and 3 kids, it looks like buying one is the way to go. I
was never into it ether but then had a chat with an old friend of mine
that had one so I could see her but she could not see me. It was fun.
Have you tried it? I also have a lot of very long distance family.

Douglas E Knapp

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