List archive hiccups

Xandros Pilosa folivora.pilosa at
Sat Sep 26 08:49:29 UTC 2009

> Thiers Botelho pravi:
> <snip>
> All is well . . . thx again.
> Thiers

I am not so sure about that.
There are all your post missing (referring to Thiers) in 
*/archives/ubuntu-users/2009-September and all posts from particular 
poster in the thread he started about subject which may be important (at 
least from my point of view).
I became aware of this when I was commenting bug report in launchpad and 
tried to include a link to the subject in ubuntu-users archives, finding 
out that posts I was looking for were not there.
After all the difference between numbers of archived messages in u-u 
archives and gmane is far from small - around 300 yesterday, if 
statistics on the web are correct.
Not that I am saying, I can't live with slightly dubious feeling I have 
about this inconsistency of "original" archives, but I would appreciate, 
if someone with more insight knowledge can take some time to explain 
what/why this happens.

Thanks and regards.

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