Network-Manager and 9.04

Mike McGinn mikemcginn at
Fri Sep 25 21:24:25 UTC 2009

On Friday 25 September 2009 17:16:41 Res wrote:
> On Fri, 25 Sep 2009, Mike McGinn wrote:
> <snip - tl agreement>
> > NM can do none of those for me.
> But sadly wicd does not do VPN's, although this is planned for a future
> release, its easy for techies to configure VPN, but when you have some
> techno-clueless dummy staff using these things as well, its a pain, they
> just want to point and click to login to VPN, they don't want to remember
> to use terminal and call ppp or pon or whatever, although they use fedora
> on laptops the same applies with ubuntu since some dual boot, and one or
> two of us even quad boot (fedora/slackware/ubuntu/xp) ;)

 I use vpnc to connect to the VPN in our data center when I am not at work. It 
works very well. FWIW, NM would not handle the VPN for me either. It stank at 
entering global keys for our Cisco VPN. vpnc and wicd handle it very well.

Mike McGinn
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